Maria Teresa Berardelli
Maria Teresa trained at the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio D'Amico". In 2009, she was the recipient of the under 30 Riccione/Tondelli Playwriting Award with Sterili (Sterile); in 2010, she was awarded the literary prize Città di Chieri e Colline Torinesi - Bando Inedito 2010 with Altrove, and the Fersen Prize VI edition with Studio per un Teatro Clinico. In 2015, her play 10 Milligrammi (10mg translated by Edward Fortes) received a special mention in the Hystrio Playwriting Award. Editoria e Spettacolo has published a few of her plays: Sterili (Sterile), Altrove, Perdersi, Studio per un teatro clinico and Signor P. Storia della discesa di un uomo e dell’ascesa di un altro uomo. Maria Teresa has also written adaptions of the following works: Uno, nessuno e centomila (One, No One and One Hundred Thousand) by Pirandello, produced by Khora Teatro; The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare, produced by Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria; Itaca per sempre by Luigi Malerba, produced by Trento Spettacoli and The elective affinities by Goethe, produced by Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria. All adaptations were directed by Andrea Baracco.
Photo by Manuela Giusto.
Maria Teresa is the author of 10 Mg.
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